A completely free, online lesson and rubric planner designed for Saskatchewan educators.
Follow a backward design planning method, starting with Big Ideas and curriculum outcomes. Then, add assessment, instructional and differentiation strategies.
Learn MoreUse built in strategies for assessment, instruction and differentiation. Select prompts, skills and questions based on Bloom's Taxonomy.
Learn MoreAutomatically generate fully customizable rubrics directly connected to Saskatchewan curriculum outcomes and indicators. Save all your work to Google Drive™
Learn MoreOutcome | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Organize | ||||||||
L | M | H | L | M | H | L | M | H | L | M | H |
Note: Lessons are stored in your device's browser history.
alter, build, combine, compose, construct, create, develop, estimate, form a new…, generate, hypothesize, imagine, improve, infer, invent, modify, plan, predict, produce, propose, reorganize, rewrite, simplify, synthesize, revise
appraise, argue, assess, challenge, choose, conclude, criticize, critique, debate, decide, defend, discriminate, discuss, document, draw, conclusions, editorialize, evaluate, grade, interpret, judge, justify, prioritize, rank, rate, recommend, reject, support, validate, weigh
analyze, arrange, categorize, classify, causes, compare, examine, dissect, distinguish, separate, sequence, survey, take apart, why , give reasons, order, deduce, determine, diagram, differentiate, discuss, break down, test for, contrast
acquire, adopt, apply, assemble, construct, consume, demonstrate, develop, discuss, build, experiment, formulate, manipulate, organize, relate, report, search, show, solve novel problems, tell consequences, try, model, use, utilize
alter, associate , calculate, categorize, change, communicate, convert, distinguish, expand, explain, inform, name alternatives, paraphrase, outline, rearrange, reconstruct, relate, restate, summarize own words, tell the meaning of, translate, understand, verbalize, write
collect, copy, define, describe, find, identify, indicate, label, list, locate, match, group, omit, observe, point, provide, quote, 5 Ws, read, recall, recite, recognize, repeat, reproduce, say, select, sort, spell, state, name, tabulate, tell, touch, underline
An Enduring Understanding summarizes important concepts or ideas that:
- are central to the topic of study;
- transfer to other topics and life beyond the classroom.
e.g. "Innovations of early civilizations influenced the modern world" OR "Main characters undergo change as they work through conflict."
Essential Questions develop from the Enduring Understanding(s). They:
- do not have a simple answers and are meant to be argued;
- provoke and require student inquiry.
e.g. "Which innovations of early civilizations influenced the modern world the most?" Why? OR "Why/How does conflict cause characters undergo change? Do some types of conflicts create more change than others?"
Type of Assessment:
Differentiate the lesson by content, process and/or product.
Saskatchewan Curriculum Project was created by Cory Antonini.
I am always looking for education sector partners for further development of the Saskatchewan Curriculum Project. Want to get involved? Email for more information: cory@digitallearner.org